Patent Analytics
Patsnap Eureka
Patsnap Eureka Materials
Data Service
Professional Services
Maximize efficiency for more billable hours.
Book a demoWhy Patsnap
10x your speed of review, analysis,
and searches.
Access the largest global database of
patent, litigation, and non-patent
literature with AI-enabled precision.
Patsnap invests in product innovation,
ensuring that our SaaS platform evolves
to support our customers.
Save time with AI that compares
claims & summarizes file wrappers
Powerful search capabilities for
accurate recall and precision
Share progress with your clients
Identify new opportunities
for business growth
Secure API
Strengthen searches with diverse data sources — breadth and depth across patents, bio sequences, chemical structures, drug trials, technical reports, and non-patent literature.
Talk to an expertSpecialized search support
from IP experts
Boost efficiency, collaborate seamlessly with
clients, and accelerate your firm's growth
Improve efficiency, work collaboratively with
your clients, and maximize your firm’s growth.
Why Patsnap
10x your speed of review, analysis,
and searches.
Access the largest global database of
patent, litigation, and non-patent
literature with AI-enabled precision.
Patsnap invests in product innovation,
ensuring that our SaaS platform evolves
to support our customers.
Save time with AI that compares
claims & summarizes file wrappers
Powerful search capabilities for
accurate recall and precision
Share progress with your clients
Identify new opportunities
for business growth
Secure API
Strengthen searches with diverse data sources — breadth and depth across patents, bio sequences, chemical structures, drug trials, technical reports, and non-patent literature.
Talk to an expert Specialized search support
from IP experts
Boost efficiency and your firm’s growth
Book a demo