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PatSnap Ltd. Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

Please find a version of the below statement signed by PatSnap CEO, Jeffrey Tiong, here: PatSnap Limited Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement (PDF)

This statement is given on behalf of PatSnap Limited and its subsidiaries (“PatSnap”).

At PatSnap we are committed to the highest standards of social, ethical, and environmental conduct. Webelieve it is essential that the way in which we conduct business around the world is done in a legal andethical manner. We believe in treating everyone with respect and dignity and expect all those we dobusiness with to share our commitment.

Modern slavery and human trafficking is abhorrent and is never acceptable. We are committed to ensuringthat modern slavery has no part in our business and supply chain. We endeavour to ensure that the wayour business is run sets an example to our affiliates and suppliers.

Our organisational structure and our business

PatSnap is a connected innovation intelligence platform providing companies with IP and R&D analyticsso they can increase productivity and innovate more effectively.

PatSnap is the ultimate owner of the group of companies and is registered in the Cayman Islands. Wehave subsidiaries around the world that enable us to operate in Singapore, China, the UK, the USA, andCanada. Our operations in the UK are carried out through PatSnap (UK) Limited.

Our staff

PatSnap is dedicated to creating an engaging environment for its staff, whilst above all maintaining a fairand ethical workplace for everyone who works for us. We prohibit the use of all forms of forced labourand any form of human trafficking.

We ensure compliance with all applicable employment legislation relating to employee recruitment andterms and conditions, including the right to work evidence and that no UK staff in the UK offices are paidless than the living wage.

Our supply chains

At PatSnap, we help customers to innovate effectively. This means that the way we source data is thecore part of our supply chain. We are confident that the way in which we engage with our suppliers meansthat we fully comply with the law. We remain vigilant and monitor the level of risk involved throughout oursupply chain.

Our policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking

We have taken care to implement policies as part of our commitment to ethical business practices.Our internal policies include prohibition of discrimination and harassment, both our employees and anyvendors, visitors, customers and clients. Our policies also expressly require our staff to ensure that adedicated process is used in relation to procuring products and services. This makes sure thatprocurement decisions are addressed by the appropriate staff.

We also make clear to all staff their ability to raise issues with management, so that they can be confidentthat any concerns will be addressed without fear of reprisals.

Due diligence

We expect all those we contract with – including our suppliers and other business partners – uphold thesame high standards as we do. In particular, we expect that all employees and workers within our supplychain are treated with dignity and respect in a fair and ethical environment.

As part of our procurement processes we work to identify, assess, and monitor any potential areas of riskin relation to our business and supply chains. This is an ongoing process and is intrinsic in the way weengage with contractors.


It is important to us that our employees are aware of the issues surrounding modern slavery and supportour values. Our legal and compliance team is aware of the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act. Wealso intend to train other relevant employees to reinforce our policy and the steps to be taken in the eventof any concerns.

Looking ahead

We will continue to monitor and develop our practices in respect of combatting slavery or humantrafficking to target areas of our business if we become aware there is a potential risk of modern slavery.Our legal function is responsible for checking and testing the success of our commitments, and will workto ensure we meet our expectations.

This statement is given on behalf of PatSnap for the financial year ending 30 December 2019 and wasapproved by the Board of Directors of PatSnap on October 27, 2020. It sets out the steps taken duringthe financial year to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.