Life Science Archives | Patsnap Thu, 25 Apr 2024 18:00:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Life Science Archives | Patsnap 32 32 Revolutionizing Biosequence Analysis: Introducing the First Modification Search Tool Fri, 19 Apr 2024 20:58:13 +0000 Introducing the world's first chemical modification search tool! Search for site-specific modifications, with or without a query sequence, drawing from a database of over 1.5M modified sequences in Patsnap Bio. By facilitating the comprehensive retrieval and understanding of sequence modification data, Patsnap Bio empowers researchers, IP professionals, and R&D personnel to effectively approach the design and optimization of world-class therapeutics.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, precision and efficiency are paramount throughout the research and development (R&D) process. To keep pace with the rapid advancements in biological sciences, innovative solutions are imperative.  

In this article we will delve into Patsnap Bio’s newest release, the world’s first chemical modification search tool and how it can improve sequence searching techniques, and streamline freedom to operate (FTO) analysis.

What is Sequence Modification? 

Sequence modification is central to drug development and intellectual property (IP) protection. It involves changing a protein or nucleic acid sequence by adding chemical groups at specific regions, inducing functional changes. Fluorescent labeling, glycosylation, and phosphorylation are just a few of the many modification techniques available to achieve optimal therapeutic properties, such as high bioavailability and target specificity, extended half-life, and reduced off-target effects. By understanding the intricacies of sequence modification, researchers can navigate the complexities of therapeutic development more effectively, ultimately advancing the frontier of medicine and improving patient outcomes.   

Image showing a modified nucleotide sequence found in patent US20180195070A1: Compositions and Methods for Inhibiting Gene Expression of LPA.
Example of a modified nucleotide sequence found in patent US20180195070A1: Compositions and Methods for Inhibiting Gene Expression of LPA.
source: Patsnap Bio

Establishing Patentability of Sequences

Sequence-based searches are crucial for determining the patentability of new sequences. They help to navigate the existing IP landscapes and pinpoint potential infringement risks. In fields like nucleic acid technologies, the strategic use of chemical modifications is essential. These modifications are instrumental in crafting drugs that optimize the effectiveness of oligonucleotides, making them viable for tackling complex diseases.

Despite its significance, the lack of standardization in describing chemical modifications in patents remains a glaring gap. Patent descriptions of modifications are often highly individualistic – for instance, 2’-O-methyl and 2’-ome both denote the same modification of rRNA. This poses a challenge in retrieving relevant patents when using traditional search methods and undermines the accuracy of FTO searches.  

To overcome this, researchers must utilize a range of labor-intensive search methods. This includes combining traditional sequence searches with exhaustive keyword searches to capture all potential variations of a modification. Subsequently, they must then meticulously review modification data for each sequence manually, item by item.  

Patsnap Bio eliminates these challenges by offering innovators a way to curate and analyze sequence modification data faster and with more confidence, leveraging AI. The newly introduced Modification search enables users to search for site-specific modifications, with or without a query sequence, drawing from a database of over 1.5M modified sequences. This capability addresses essential questions such as: 

  • How widely is this modification used?   
  • What existing prior art contains this modification? 
  • What other modifications are related to my query? 
GIF showing a workflow in patsnap where a user inputs their desired sequence length and modification location/type.
To start a search, users simply input their desired sequence length and modification location/type. If desired, a query sequence may also be used.  

By facilitating the comprehensive retrieval and understanding of sequence modification data, Patsnap Bio empowers researchers, IP professionals, and R&D personnel to effectively approach the design and optimization of world-class therapeutics. 

Key Features

  • Standardized modification library: Leveraging advanced AI and meticulous manual curation, Patsnap Bio consolidates sequence modification data into a standardized library. This data features nine major categories and 382 subcategories of chemical modification types, ensuring comprehensive coverage. 
  • Flexible search options: Offering both a sequence-based and sequence-free search option, Patsnap Bio’s modification search facilitates the identification of trends and insights surrounding a specific modification. For a sequence-based query, up to 200 target sequences can be searched at once, using local or global alignment methods.
Image showcasing the two different search types - either with a sequence query or no sequence query.
Two search options provide the ultimate flexibility to target searches to specific research goals.  
  • Visualize modification trends: Equipped with robust visualization tools, Patsnap Bio enables users to seamlessly explore the distribution of chemical modifications within their search results. These tools facilitate the extraction of valuable insights related to queried sequences or modification types, enhancing decision making processes.
Gif showing search results page and a visual summary of the top modification trends within the hit sequences, from which you can dive into specific results for in-depth analysis.  
The results page provides a visual summary of the top modification trends in your hit sequences, from which you can dive into specific results for in-depth analysis.  
  • In-depth source analysis: Identify new opportunities and assess patentability of inventions by quickly accessing the corresponding patents to your search results and diving into the modification claims.
Workflow showing Patsnap patent view and diving into the sources from which the hit sequence modifications were retrieved, and clicking into them to view in more detail.  
Each hit sequence displays the sources from which the hit modifications were retrieved, and can be clicked to view in more detail.  
  • Instant modification report: With just one-click, generate exportable reports summarizing the distribution of hit modifications, as well as a summary of all other sequence modifications within a result set. These reports expedite the identification and compilation of actionable insights for further analysis and decision making.
Exportable modification search report summarizes the distribution of both hit modifications as well as other modifications present in hit sequences.  
The exportable modification search report summarizes the distribution of both hit modifications as well as other modifications present in hit sequences.  

Patsnap Bio: Charting the Future of Biotherapeutic Innovation 

Offering unparalleled functionality and insights into the world of biosequences, Patsnap Bio is introducing a new era of efficiency and precision to the world of biotherapeutic innovation. 

To learn more about Patsnap’s new Modification search, book a demo to see it in action, or try Patsnap Bio for free today.

The post Revolutionizing Biosequence Analysis: Introducing the First Modification Search Tool appeared first on Patsnap.

The Evolution of Tirzepatide’s Competitive Landscape Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Explores the shifting dynamics among Tirzepatide's top 10 patent assignees and evolution of the competitive landscape.

The post The Evolution of Tirzepatide’s Competitive Landscape   appeared first on Patsnap.

Recently, the Galien Foundation in the United States announced the winners of the Prix Galien USA Awards, often acknowledged as the “Nobel Prize of the pharmaceutical industry.” This prestigious award recognizes exceptional scientific innovations that significantly contribute to the improvement of human health and is considered one of the highest accolades in the pharmaceutical and biomedicine industries. Among this year’s winners, Ozempic from Novo Nordisk and Mounjaro from Eli Lily and Company both received this award for their breakthrough therapies! 

Jump to…

What is Tirzepatide?

An Overview View of Tirzepatide’s Top 10 Patent Assignees 

Evolution of the Competitive Landscape

Access Comprehensive Data on Tirzepatide Sequence Patents for Free 

What is Tirzepatide?

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) is a dual agonist for glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptors. It was approved by the US FDA in May 2022 for use in combination with diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes. According to the press release of Eli Lily, Mounjaro represents the first new type of diabetes medication in nearly a decade. 

A similar drug that’s recently gained popularity, Semaglutide (marketed as Ozempic) was approved by the US FDA in 2017 for the control of blood glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes. Semaglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist that stimulates the production of insulin and inhibits the secretion of glucagon, thereby reducing appetite and food intake. In June 2021, semaglutide injection (once weekly, 2.4 mg), marketed as Wegovy, was approved by the FDA for the first time for the treatment of obesity. This marked the first new weight loss medication approved by the FDA since 2014. 

An Overview View of Tirzepatide’s Top 10 Patent Assignees 

According to the Patsnap Bio Sequence Database, the top 10 applicants for the Tirzepatide patent are as follows:  

  • Eli Lilly with 101 applications 
  • Sun Pharmaceutical with 14 applications, and  
  • Applied Molecular Transport with 8 applications.  

For more applicants, please refer to the image below. 

Patsnap Bio Sequence Database, the top 10 applicants for the Tirzepatide patent.

Source, Patsnap Bio 

Evolution of the Competitive Landscape

Exploring the changes occurring within the application structure amongst tirzepatide’s top 10 patent assignees over time delivers insights into the competitive landscape’s evolution. 

Tirzepatide’s top 10 patent assignees application data insights overtime.

Source, Patsnap Bio 

Access Comprehensive Data on Tirzepatide Sequence Patents for Free 

First, create a free account with Patsnap Bio Sequence Database. Then, navigate to the homepage’s “standard search” and enter the Tirzepatide sequence or simply input the drug name, Tirzepatide, in the “Drug/Gene index.” This step will uncover extensive information about Tirzepatide’s sequence, patent, literature, data from diversified sources, and visual representations of the competitive landscape of patents. 

Patsnap Bio Sequence Database. Access Comprehensive Data on Tirzepatide Drug/Gene Index Sequence Patents for Free.
Patsnap Bio Sequence Database. Tirzepatide’s sequence, patent, literature, data from diversified sources.

The left panel of the search results page is equipped with an array of filters that allow you to pinpoint specific data to enhance your search experience and overall efficiency. Clicking on each data point will reveal a comprehensive dataset and a host of practical tools to support your research.  

Patsnap Bio & Database. Search Results Page and Filters

Patsnap Bio is the most extensive sequence search platform for the Patsnap database. It incorporates AI with human-curated data for comprehensive handling of protein and nucleotide sequence data plucked from global patents, biological periodicals, and public repositories. Essential biological sequences are manually annotated to highlight structural modifications to provide the most accurate sequence data and speed up the efficiency of sequence retrievals. 

To get started, create an account today. Registration is free, so you have nothing to lose and so much insight to gain:

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Patsnap Bio: How to Investigate Sequence Functionality & Global Development Wed, 25 Oct 2023 14:00:00 +0000 This article investigates AAV sequence functionality and global development with Patsnap Bio. Read on to learn more.

The post Patsnap Bio: How to Investigate Sequence Functionality & Global Development appeared first on Patsnap.

Only one out of every 5,000 drugs becomes salable. Excessive costs coupled with steep regulatory burdens, and incomplete or inaccurate information make it difficult for new drugs to penetrate the market.  

Overcoming these hurdles is no easy task, and why 96% of drugs never make it to market. But the tide is changing. Research that previously took years to complete can now be done in a matter of days or weeks. Technological advancements in AI and machine learning make it faster and more efficient for scientific researchers to identify antibodies, validate targets, and analyze chemical structures and unfamiliar sequences.  

In this article, we’ll explore how to use Patsnap’s Bio Sequence Database to explore the functionality and applicability of unknown sequences. To illustrate this process, we’ll take a closer look at AAV (adeno-associated virus) drug development, serving as a tangible example of how sequence exploration can be achieved. 

Patsnap Bio: How to Investigate Sequence Functionality & Global Development Poster

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What are AAVs?

Adeno-associated viruses, commonly referred to as AAVs, are a class of small, non-enveloped viruses that have gained significant attention in the field of biotechnology and gene therapy. These viruses belong to the Parvoviridae family and are characterized by their ability to infect both dividing and non-dividing cells, making them particularly appealing vectors for delivering genetic material into host cells. 

AAVs are naturally occurring in humans and other animals, and they are generally considered non-pathogenic, meaning they do not cause significant disease in their natural state. This safety profile has made them a popular choice for gene therapy applications. 

Researchers have harnessed the unique properties of AAVs to develop a versatile platform for delivering therapeutic genes into target cells. By engineering these viruses to carry specific genetic payloads, scientists can use AAVs to replace or correct faulty genes, introduce therapeutic proteins, or modulate cellular functions. This approach holds tremendous promise for the treatment of a wide range of genetic disorders, including inherited diseases and genetic mutations responsible for various medical conditions. 

What is AAV Drug Development? 

Imagine AAVs as tiny “drug delivery trucks” at the molecular level. Scientists modify these AAVs to carry genetic instructions or therapeutic molecules to target cells within the body. Once these AAVs reach their destination, they release their cargo, which can include instructions to produce a beneficial protein, fix a genetic defect, or regulate cellular processes. 

AAV drug development has shown great promise in treating a wide range of medical conditions, especially genetic disorders. For example, in cases where a person has a faulty or missing gene that causes a disease, AAVs can be programmed to carry a corrected version of that gene and deliver it to the affected cells. This approach has the potential to provide long-lasting relief or even a cure for genetic diseases. 

AAVs can also be used to deliver therapeutic proteins directly to specific tissues or organs, making them a versatile tool for developing treatments for various diseases, including those that affect the nervous system, muscles, and organs. 

How Does Patsnap Bio Accelerate Scientific R&D? 

Now let’s explore how to use Patsnap’s AI-powered Bio platform to extract the insights you need for more efficient R&D. We’ll use the example of AAVs.  

Within our Bio database, the first step is straightforward — simply input the raw AAV9 sequence and apply filters to search for related sequences. The image below provides an example of what you should see on your end when you run this search.  

Patsnap Bio Sequence Search & Analysis
Patsnap Bio Sequences

Next, select the “View Sources” option. This will provide you with an in-depth breakdown of the listed sequences for more comprehensive analysis.

Patsnap Bio, Exploring Unknown Sequence Sources
Patsnap Bio, Exploring Unknown Sequence Sources

To further enhance your query, simply incorporate specific keywords and target tissues when searching through the database. Using this approach, you can quickly identify core patent sequences that streamlines scientific R&D.

About Patsnap Bio

Patsnap Bio offers the most extensive sequence search platform within Patsnap’s suite of products. Merging AI with expert-curated data, it offers an in-depth analysis of protein and nucleotide sequences sourced from global patents, biological journals, and public databases. Key biological sequences receive manual annotations, highlighting structural changes, ensuring utmost accuracy and optimizing sequence retrieval efficiency. 

To get started, create an account today. Registration is free, so you have nothing to lose and so much insight to gain! 

The post Patsnap Bio: How to Investigate Sequence Functionality & Global Development appeared first on Patsnap.

How to Quickly Identify Your Target Sequence in Dense Patent Claims with Patsnap Wed, 18 Oct 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Struggling to identify your target sequence? This step-by-step process with Patsnap Bio can help. Read on to learn more.

The post How to Quickly Identify Your Target Sequence in Dense Patent Claims with Patsnap appeared first on Patsnap.

Navigating the labyrinth of patents can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, especially when delving into the nuanced world of patent sequences.

In this article, we’ll explore what target sequences and patent claims are, and explain how Patsnap helps accelerate the research process.

Let’s get started!

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Patsnap: How to Quickly Identify Your Target Sequence in Dense Patent Claims

What is a Target Sequence?

A target sequence refers to a specific DNA, RNA, or protein sequence that a researcher or company is particularly interested in, either because of its potential applications, unique functionalities, or its value in ongoing projects.

Think of it as the “golden ticket” amidst the vast and dense world of patented sequences. Just like one would zero in on a specific chapter in a massive tome, a patent search zeroes in on a target sequence amidst the myriad of sequences stored in patent databases. This precision allows for more efficient R&D, ensuring that innovators aren’t treading already patented grounds.

What are Patent Claims?

Imagine an inventor’s blueprint, detailing the essence of their brainchild. Patent claims are akin to these blueprints. They precisely define the boundaries of an invention, laying out what it is and, just as crucially, what it is not.

These claims serve as the heart and soul of a patent, staking a clear territory in the vast intellectual property (IP) landscape. They delineate the scope of protection granted to the inventor. Just like a fortress’s boundary walls protect its treasures, patent claims safeguard an inventor’s unique ideas, ensuring no trespassers unknowingly or knowingly step onto their intellectual turf.

In essence, if patents were novels, patent claims would be their pivotal chapters, capturing the crux of the story and setting the stage for all the drama (or disputes) to unfold. So, when navigating the patent realm, understanding claims is pivotal – they’re the beacon guiding one’s journey, ensuring clarity and protection in a sea of innovation.

How Target Sequences and Patent Claims Connect

A targeted sequence in a patent search will often be the subject of one or more patent claims. These claims describe and protect the specific uses, applications, or methods related to that sequence. In other words, the patent claims offer a protective embrace to these sequences, ensuring their intellectual sanctity.

By understanding the targeted sequences within patent claims, a researcher can ascertain what specific aspects of a sequence have been previously claimed and protected. This knowledge prevents them from inadvertently infringing on existing patents. Secondly, by delving deep into these claims, a researcher can identify gaps or opportunities, potentially paving the way for novel innovations or alternative applications.

How Patsnap Accelerates the Research Process

With the Patsnap patent database and its Bio Database at your fingertips, identifying your target sequence is a breeze. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get started:

1.) Register for a free account

2.) Once registered, input the patent number (for example, ‘WO2018020476A1’), into the patent data search bar.

3.) Access the patent’s main page to see its details and check the disclosed rights in the right-claim section. Then, in the top right, select “Sequence Assistant,” input your desired sequence such as SASYRYS, and click “Search Sequence,” as illustrated in the figure below.

Patsnap Accelerated Patent Research Process and Sequence Assistant
Patent View, Sequence Assistant, Patsnap Bio

4.) For a clearer view, activate the “Sequence Highlight” feature on the right. Sequences that fully match will shine in red, partial matches in yellow, and other patent sequences in blue. This distinction makes it straightforward to spot your target sequence, such as “SEQ ID NO: 5”, within the claim of rights, showcasing all its positions.

Follow these four steps each time you need to quickly identify your target sequence in dense patent claims.

About Patsnap Bio

Patsnap Bio offers the most extensive sequence search platform within Patsnap’s suite of products. Merging AI with expert-curated data, it offers an in-depth analysis of protein and nucleotide sequences sourced from global patents, biological journals, and public databases. Key biological sequences receive manual annotations, highlighting structural changes, ensuring utmost accuracy and optimizing sequence retrieval efficiency.

To get started, create an account today. Registration is free, so you have nothing to lose and so much insight to gain!

The post How to Quickly Identify Your Target Sequence in Dense Patent Claims with Patsnap appeared first on Patsnap.

Key Precision Updates in Patsnap Bio’s October Release Tue, 17 Oct 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Patsnap Bio October updates include new refinements to enhance UX and optimize the review process. Learn more.

The post Key Precision Updates in Patsnap Bio’s October Release appeared first on Patsnap.

We’re excited to announce the latest release on our Patsnap Bio platform, featuring a series of refinements designed to enhance user experience and optimize the review process.

In this article, we’ll delve into each update and how they’ll help you improve sequence searching and streamline freedom to operate (FTO) searches.

Patsnap Bio Update #1: New Refinements

To provide you with a more refined search experience, we have introduced two additional filters within the pre-search preferences. These new filters, Alignment Direction and Chemically Modified, offer you enhanced control over your search parameters before receiving your results.

Patsnap Bio Update #1: New Refinements

Patsnap Bio Update #2: Optimized Search Results Page

Taking our commitment to improving your searching experience a step further, we’ve unified the results pages into a single, streamlined interface. This enhancement enables you to seamlessly review both your sequences and documents on a single screen, optimizing your workflow and providing a consolidated view that enhances your overall efficiency.

Patsnap Bio Update #2: Optimized Search Results Page

Plus, we’ve added the convenience of displaying your query name and associated sequence body at the top of all result pages. This feature guarantees you never lose track of your search context, further enhancing your UX.

Patsnap Bio Update #3: New Analysis Tab

Our new analysis tab contains five charts designed to provide you with relevant insights and streamline R&D processes.

Patsnap Bio Update #3: New Analysis Tab

Use these charts to inform decision making and navigate the patent landscape with confidence.

Patsnap Bio Update #4: Improved Review Process

We’ve improved our review process, making it easier to differentiate between species and locate the appropriate targets of interest to you. 

Patsnap Bio Update #4: Improved Review Process

Powered by AI and manual curation, Patsnap Bio connects millions of patent and non-patent sources to streamline search and analysis. To learn more, sign up for free.

Patsnap Bio- Sequence Search & Analysis Benefits

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August 2023 Global Innovative Drug Report Fri, 15 Sep 2023 14:49:20 +0000 Our August 2023 Global Innovative Drug Report is now available! Explore the latest developments in drug approvals, clinical progress, and expedited reviews.

The post August 2023 Global Innovative Drug Report appeared first on Patsnap.

Our August 2023 drug report offers an in-depth look into the pharmaceutical industry’s recent innovations, diving deep into individual drug analyses. Within, you’ll find details on each drug’s profile, R&D status, active patents, mechanisms of action, clinical trials, competitive dynamics, and more.

This report consists of four parts:

  1. August new drug approvals
  1. New drug analysis 
  1. Global drugs under Expedited Review Pathway
  1. Analysis of selected ERP drugs 

Report Overview

1.) August Drug Approvals

In August 2023, a total of nine drugs received global approval. This included three monoclonal antibodies, two bispecific antibodies, two small molecule drugs (SMDs), one RNA vaccine, and one aptamer drug conjugate.

Patsnap Synpase First Approved Durgs in August Daiichirona Avacincaptad Pegol
August 2023 Global Approved Drugs, Synapse 

2.) New Drug Analysis

This report features in-depth analyses of five newly approved drugs, including a thorough examination of Avacincaptad pegol.

Avacincaptad pegol treats the severe eye condition known as geographic atrophy. It aims to delay vision deterioration by preventing the immune system from damaging eye cells.

Patsnap Synpase New Drug Analysis Avacincaptad pegol geographic atrophy
Avacincaptad pegol Snapshot & R&D Status, Patsnap Synapse 
Patsnap Synpase Avacincaptad pegol active patent & analysis & geographic atrophy
Avacincaptad pegol Active Patent & Analysis, Patsnap Synapse 
Patsnap Synpase Avacincaptad pegol Analysis Continued
Avacincaptad pegol Analysis Continued, Patsnap Synapse 

3.) Global Drugs Under Expedited Review Pathway

What’s more, 56 drugs were placed on ERP in August, including 35 orphan drug designations, nine with fast track status, four targeting rare pediatric diseases, three under breakthrough therapy designation, three with priority reviews, two receiving accelerated approvals, and one granted conditional marketing approval.

Patsnap Synpase Global Drugs Under Expedited Review Pathway KB-707 BC-004
August 2023 Global Drugs Subject to Expedited Review, Synapse 

4.) Analysis of Selected ERP Drugs 

This report also highlights five ERP drugs for detailed analysis. Focusing on Savolitinib — a receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor targeting the mesenchymal-epithelial transition factor (MET), here’s what we uncovered:

Savolitinib Snapshot & R&D Status & Active Patent, PatSnap Synapse
Savolitinib Snapshot & R&D Status & Active Patent, Patsnap Synapse 
Savolitinib Analysis, Patsnap Synapse
Savolitinib Analysis, Patsnap Synapse 

Gain Access to the Comprehensive Report for FREE – Download Now! If you aren’t registered for Synapse (registration is required to download the report), click here to register for free.

Patsnap Synapse Database: An Overview and Key Features

Discover the innovative PatSnap Synapse database – an AI-powered platform that provides intuitive interfaces, curated content, and access to massive information sources. With integrated access to company data, diseases, targets, clinical studies, and biological and chemical entities, our platform offers a powerful search and association experience. Sign up for free today and experience the benefits for yourself!

R&D Decision Makers

Our mission is to empower R&D decision makers with swift access to accurate and connected data, facilitating their understanding of emerging technology trends, competitive landscapes, and partnership opportunities. By providing comprehensive insights, our platform helps decision makers to navigate and steer the direction of innovation with confidence.

Business Development Professionals 

We offer a comprehensive database that covers the drug pipeline and investment history for over 320,000 life science organizations. This invaluable resource allows you to make informed decisions regarding potential partnerships or acquisition targets with confidence. Gain access to our extensive database and unlock the insights you need to drive your business forward.

Pharmaceutical Analyst 

Our platform is designed to accelerate the research process for pharmaceutical analysts by leveraging a wealth of connected data, including drug approvals, clinical trials, patents, non-patent literature, and news. With Synapse, users gain a comprehensive 360-degree view of the competitive and technological landscape, empowering them to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently. Discover the power of Synapse and revolutionize your research today.

Copyright Statement: This report is the sole property of Patsnap and is protected under copyright laws. Any reproduction, excerpting, or other use of this report without explicit authorization from Patsnap is strictly prohibited. Authorized products must be used within the scope of authorization and must include a clear indication of the source. Patsnap reserves the right to investigate any violations of this statement and pursue legal action as necessary. For inquiries regarding authorization, please contact

The post August 2023 Global Innovative Drug Report appeared first on Patsnap.

July 2023 Global Innovative Drug Report Tue, 15 Aug 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Our July 2023 Global Innovative Drug Report is now available! Explore the latest developments in drug approvals, clinical progress, and expedited reviews.

The post July 2023 Global Innovative Drug Report  appeared first on Patsnap.

Leveraging insights from our AI-powered life sciences intelligence platform Synapse, we’re delighted to present our July 2023 Global Innovative Drug Report.

This report offers a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in the pharmaceutical industry and an analysis of each selected drug. It provides a snapshot of each drug and explores its R&D status, active patents, mechanisms of action, clinical trials, competitive landscape, and other pertinent factors.

The report consists of four parts: 

  1. First Approved Drugs in July 
  1. New Drug Analysis 
  1. Global Drugs under Expedited Review Pathway in July 
  1. Analysis of Selected ERP Drugs 

Global Innovative Drug Report Overview 

Patsnap Synapse Global Innovative Drug Development Report Overview 

1.) First Approved Drugs in July 

In July 2023, four drugs received global approval: a prophylactic vaccine, a small molecule drug (SMD), a monoclonal antibody, and a herbal medicine.

Patsnap Synapse Global Approved Drugs July Anthrax Vaccine Lotilaner
July 2023 Global Approved Drugs, Synapse 

2.) New Drug Analysis

This report highlights two recently approved drugs, with a spotlight on CYFENDUS.

Patsnap Synapse New Drug Analysis Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed CYFENDUS
CYFENDUS Snapshot & Analysis, Patsnap Synapse 
Patsnap Synapse CYFENDUS Mechanism, Application, Clinical Trials
CYFENDUS Analysis Continued, Patsnap Synapse 
Patsnap Synapse CYFENDUS Analysis to BioThrax
CYFENDUS Analysis Continued, Patsnap Synapse 

3.) Global Drugs Under Expedited Review Pathway in July 

In July 2023, a total of 41 drugs globally were on Expedited Review tracks. This includes 19 with Orphan Drug designations, eight designated as Breakthrough Therapies, seven on the Fast Track, four under Priority Review, two with Conditional Marketing Approvals, two targeting Rare Pediatric Diseases, and one as a Qualified Infectious Disease Product.

July 2023 Global Drugs Subject to Expedited Review, Synapse
July 2023 Global Drugs Subject to Expedited Review, Synapse 

4.) Analysis of Selected ERP Drugs 

In this report, we’ve chosen to analyze seven drugs from the Expedited Review Pathway. Specifically, for Zenocutuzumab, the report explores the following aspects:

Zenocutuzumab Snapshot & R&D Status & Active Patent, Patsnap Synapse
Zenocutuzumab Snapshot & R&D Status & Active Patent, Patsnap Synapse 
Zenocutuzumab Analysis, PatSnap Synapse
Zenocutuzumab Analysis, Patsnap Synapse 

Gain Access to the Comprehensive Report for FREE – Download Now! If you aren’t registered for Synapse (registration is required to download the report), click here to register for free.

Patsnap Synapse Database: An Overview and Key Features

Discover the innovative PatSnap Synapse database – an AI-powered platform that provides intuitive interfaces, curated content, and access to massive information sources. With integrated access to company data, diseases, targets, clinical studies, and biological and chemical entities, our platform offers a powerful search and association experience. Sign up for free today and experience the benefits for yourself!

R&D Decision Makers

Our mission is to empower R&D decision makers with swift access to accurate and connected data, facilitating their understanding of emerging technology trends, competitive landscapes, and partnership opportunities. By providing comprehensive insights, our platform helps decision makers to navigate and steer the direction of innovation with confidence.

Business Development Professionals 

We offer a comprehensive database that covers the drug pipeline and investment history for over 320,000 life science organizations. This invaluable resource allows you to make informed decisions regarding potential partnerships or acquisition targets with confidence. Gain access to our extensive database and unlock the insights you need to drive your business forward.

Pharmaceutical Analyst 

Our platform is designed to accelerate the research process for pharmaceutical analysts by leveraging a wealth of connected data, including drug approvals, clinical trials, patents, non-patent literature, and news. With Synapse, users gain a comprehensive 360-degree view of the competitive and technological landscape, empowering them to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently. Discover the power of Synapse and revolutionize your research today.

Copyright Statement: This report is the sole property of Patsnap and is protected under copyright laws. Any reproduction, excerpting, or other use of this report without explicit authorization from Patsnap is strictly prohibited. Authorized products must be used within the scope of authorization and must include a clear indication of the source. Patsnap reserves the right to investigate any violations of this statement and pursue legal action as necessary. For inquiries regarding authorization, please contact

The post July 2023 Global Innovative Drug Report  appeared first on Patsnap.

How to Accelerate Your Biosequence Search and Analysis Mon, 31 Jul 2023 15:37:33 +0000 Accelerate your biosequence search and analysis with Patsnap Bio. Read the full article to learn more.

The post How to Accelerate Your Biosequence Search and Analysis appeared first on Patsnap.

When it comes to biotechnology, biological sequences play a pivotal role in driving innovation. But here’s the catch: relying solely on old-school keyword searches can lead to missed opportunities and higher risks.

Fortunately, there’s a solution.

This summer, Patsnap officially launched its “Degenerate Sequences” search function on its Bio platform. This marks the world’s first degenerate sequence alignment algorithm, built to identify “trillion-scale sequences” (these are the operators and degenerate symbols) in patents. In addition, it also helps users mitigate risks associated with overlooking sequences and freedom to operate (FTO) issues.

Volume of Data, Patsnap Bio
Volume of Data, Patsnap Bio

Patsnap Bio contains the world’s largest protein and nucleic acid sequence database. The insights are extracted from millions of literature sources, patents, and public domain databases.

It empowers users to:

☉ Identify the most relevant sequences with manual annotation of key biological sequences, enhanced metadata tagging, and efficient indexing of biologics and targets to sequences. 

☉ Improve collaboration as results are effortlessly shared among teams. As a result, stakeholders can easily generate comprehensive reports, compare sequence alignments, and more. 

☉ Redefine their biosequence FTO using Patsnap’s state-of-the-art Degenerate Sequence Search. This feature is powered by deep data processing techniques and exclusive search AI algorithms to eliminate the risk of sequence omissions in searches. 

☉ Simplify sequence searching with a multitude of scenario-based sequence retrieval options available on demand, including antibody, multi-sequence, motif, fragment and more. 

☉ Pinpoint the data needed utilizing more than 40 granular filters available and Patsnap’s unique Sequence Assistant that significantly reduces the time spent locating biological sequences in patents. 

How to Conduct Biosequence Sequence Search and Analysis in 4 Simple Steps

Step 1: Enter the Sequence of Interest

Patsnap Bio Sequence

Step 2: Filter the results

How to Conduct Biosequence Sequence Search and Analysis in 4 Simple Steps

Step 3: Analyze the Results

Biosequence Sequence Search Analyze

Step 4: Extract Relevant Insights

Patsnap Biosequence Search Step 4: Extract Relevant Insights

Patsnap Biosequence Sequence Search and Analysis Application Scenarios

◆ Accelerate bio-innovation 

Gain valuable insights into the potential functions of unknown sequences, explore new research activities, and stay up-to-date on global research and development.

◆ Keep a pulse on competitor activity

Conduct comprehensive biosequence landscape analysis to track competitors to see if they’re working on similar sequences or moving into new areas. 

◆ Validate novelty and FTO with ease 

Search with confidence utilizing the world’s most up-to-date, comprehensive sequence database.

◆ Identify sequences for therapeutic activities 

Discover global biological sequences aligned with your specific target/drug name or functional description and gain valuable insights into the latest development status through our advanced search and analysis platform.

About Patsnap:

Founded in 2007, Patsnap is the company behind the world’s leading AI-powered innovation intelligence platform. Patsnap provides global businesses with a connected, easy-to-use platform that helps them make better decisions in the innovation process.

Customers are innovators across multiple industry sectors, including agriculture and chemicals, consumer goods, food and beverage, life sciences, automotive, oil and gas, professional services, aviation and aerospace, and education.   

Media Contact:   Antasha Durbin 


The post How to Accelerate Your Biosequence Search and Analysis appeared first on Patsnap.

Patsnap Bio Releases Alignment Direction Filter on Sequence Results Page Thu, 20 Jul 2023 12:31:46 +0000 Introducing Patsnap's Alignment Direction Filter - effortlessly refine nucleotide sequences for optimal research workflow. Learn more.

The post Patsnap Bio Releases Alignment Direction Filter on Sequence Results Page  appeared first on Patsnap.

Patsnap, a leading provider of innovation intelligence, is thrilled to unveil its latest enhancement – the Alignment Direction filter. Now accessible on the sequence results page, this cutting-edge feature empowers users to effortlessly refine nucleotide sequences based on their specific requirements.

It offers users greater control over nucleotide sequences, significantly reducing manual filtering operations. As a result, researchers can optimize their workflow, allocating valuable time and resources to their most critical sequences and discoveries.

Alignment Direction Filter Details

When searching for nucleotide sequences in the Patsnap Bio sequence database, the Bio algorithm generates two types of sequence results: forward alignments and reverse complement alignments.

Forward Alignment Sequence Results, Patsnap Bio
Forward Alignment Sequence Results, Patsnap Bio
Reverse Alignment Results, Patsnap Bio
Reverse Alignment Results, Patsnap Bio

In certain scenarios, users may have the requirement to exclude the reverse complement alignments of target sequences in order to reduce noise. The sequence results page of the Patsnap Bio sequence database has recently introduced a sequence alignment direction filter. This addition allows users to conveniently manually select between forward alignments and reverse complement alignments, resulting in enhanced efficiency in sequence filtering.

Enhanced Sequence-Gene Relationship

This update also introduces significant improvements to the gene annotations in the sequence retrieval results. By removing weakly related sequences that were previously associated with genes solely based on keyword matches, we now provide users with more accurate and relevant information. We have focused on retaining strongly related sequences, which represent the gene’s original protein, DNA, and RNA sequences.

As a result, users gain a deeper understanding of the potential associations or impacts of their query sequences on specific gene sequences through sequence searches. These advancements not only enhance the overall quality of the gene annotations but also optimize the usability and reliability of our sequence retrieval feature.

Patsnap Bio Sequence Search Enhanced Sequence-Gene Relationship

To learn more about Patsnap Bio, please visit

Patsnap Bio Database: Empower your biosequence search and analysis with the largest sequence searching platform, combining AI with manual curation 

Chase new frontiers in bio-innovation: Gain valuable insights into the potential functions of unknown sequences, explore new research activities, and stay abreast with the global research and development landscape. 

Stay on top of competitor movements: Conduct a comprehensive biosequence landscape analysis to track your competitors to see if they are working on similar sequences or moving into new areas. 

Validate novelty and freedom to operate searches with ease: Search confidently across the world’s most comprehensive sequence database to ensure you don’t miss any potential infringements 

Identify sequences for therapeutic activities: Based on the provided information of a specific target/drug name or functional description, search global biological sequences that meet the criteria and analyze the latest development status based on them. 

About Patsnap 

Founded in 2007, Patsnap is the company behind the world’s leading AI-powered innovation intelligence platform. Patsnap provides global businesses with a connected, easy-to-use platform that helps them make better decisions in the innovation process. Customers are innovators across multiple industry sectors, including agriculture and chemicals, consumer goods, food and beverage, life sciences, automotive, oil and gas, professional services, aviation and aerospace, and education.     

Media Contact:    

Antasha Durbin    


The post Patsnap Bio Releases Alignment Direction Filter on Sequence Results Page  appeared first on Patsnap.

Biotech Investment Trends in 2023 Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:00:00 +0000 2023 biotech investment trends. Explore record VC funding, IPO market, licensing deals, and the 'Omics' revolution.

The post Biotech Investment Trends in 2023 appeared first on Patsnap.

In 2022, the global biotechnology market was valued at $1.37 trillion. From 2023 to 2030, it’s expected to reach a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.96%.

In this article, we’ll explore the biotech investment trends of 2023 to understand what lies ahead for this dynamic industry.

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Biotech Investment Trends in 2023

What is Biotechnology?

Biotechnology is a cutting-edge field of science that harnesses the power of living organisms, cellular components, and biological processes to create innovative solutions for a wide range of industries. It involves using biological systems and techniques to develop and improve products, processes, and services for various applications.

At its core, it merges biology with technology, enabling scientists to manipulate and modify living organisms at the molecular level. This multidisciplinary approach encompasses various subfields such as genetic engineering, bioinformatics, molecular biology, and synthetic biology.

What are Biotechnology Investments?

Biotechnology investments refer to financial allocations made towards companies, projects, or initiatives operating in the biotechnology sector. These investments can take various forms, such as equity investments, venture capital funding, private placements, or public offerings, depending on the specific stage of development and the nature of the biotechnology endeavor.

Investing in biotechnology entails recognizing the potential of biological advancements and the commercial opportunities they present. Biotechnology companies typically leverage scientific research and technological innovations to develop novel drugs, therapies, medical devices, agricultural solutions, or other bio-based products and services.

2023 Biotech Investment Trends

The biotech industry experienced a surge of venture capital (VC) investment in 2021 and 2022, showcasing an unprecedented level of enthusiasm and confidence in the industry’s potential.

YoY VC Investments in Biotech, Patsnap Discovery
YoY VC Investments in Biotech, Patsnap Discovery

Although there was a slight investment decline in 2022, particularly in oncology and neurology, a report from Silicon Valley Bank highlighted that the number and value of investments remained above 2020 levels, indicating a degree of resilience. This decline could also be attributed to investors allowing their previous investments to mature before backing new companies in the same areas. 

2.) The IPO Market

The central question on investors’ minds is whether the biotech industry will replicate the explosive growth experienced in 2020 and 2021. BioPharma Dive data reveals that over the span of two years, more than 180 companies went public, while only 22 achieved the same feat in 2022.

This slowdown can be attributed to existing public companies struggling to maintain their value, coupled with clinical and regulatory setbacks, as well as macroeconomic factors that have dampened investor confidence.

Some believe that a return to a more measured pace of IPOs observed in previous years could be beneficial for the industry, given the abundance of cash-burning companies. The decision of companies to embark on their Wall Street debuts hinges on market performance and investors’ appetite for risk, as noted by analysts at BMO Capital Markets in a December report. Additionally, young biotechs and their backers may find dealmaking more appealing in the absence of an easy IPO path.

According to Dusan Perovic, a partner at Two Sigma Ventures, the rate of dealmaking is expected to accelerate in 2023, as numerous large pharma companies actively explore potential partnerships and deals with startups. The environment appears much healthier compared to 2022. 

3.) Licensing Continues Despite Mixed Market Projections 

With mixed market projections concerning overall licensing in 2023, investors will closely scrutinize collaborative efforts this year. However, notable biotech licensing deals are already underway.

Moderna and CytomX: Moderna, renowned for its messenger RNA coronavirus vaccine, signed a collaboration agreement with CytomX Therapeutics to expand its presence in the oncology sector.

Under the agreement, Moderna will make an upfront payment of $35 million and a $5 million pre-paid research funding investment. CytomX stands to receive up to $1.2 billion if specific milestones are achieved. While CytomX focuses on drug discovery and preclinical assessments, Moderna will concentrate on clinical development and commercialization following FDA approval. 

Lilly and Sigilon: Eli Lilly announced its plan to acquire Sigilon, a biopharma company developing encapsulated cell therapies, for $34.6 million. The announcement led to a staggering 691.1% surge in Sigilon’s stock on the morning of June 29, 2023.

The acquisition aims to advance SIG-002, an investigational therapy with the potential to provide long-term insulin production and blood glucose control for individuals with type 1 diabetes. Lilly and Sigilon have collaborated since 2018 to develop encapsulated cell therapies for diabetes. 

4.) The ‘Omics’ Revolution 

The burgeoning field of ‘omics’ has garnered over $2.4 billion in venture funding by December 2022, as per Crunchbase data. Funding for startups delving into the intricacies of cellular analysis to understand the root causes of diseases and develop effective treatments has nearly tripled since 2019.

The pandemic catalyzed advancements in omics, such as rapid diagnostic tests and the groundbreaking mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Even Amazon ventured into the omics space with its introduction of Amazon Omics. 

The omics field encompasses genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics. What sets omics apart is its potential to revolutionize the medical landscape. Rather than relying on traditional parameters like blood pressure or body temperature, doctors will be able to delve into each patient’s individual cells, paving the way for personalized medicine. 

In conclusion, the biotech industry continues to evolve and present exciting opportunities for investors and innovators alike. With record levels of VC funding, fluctuations in the IPO market, notable licensing deals, and promising advancements in the ‘Omics’ field, the path ahead is full of potential.

The post Biotech Investment Trends in 2023 appeared first on Patsnap.
